Wednesday, October 13, 2010

I`ve Got A Serious Obsession On My Hands & Baby , I`m Letting It Out

So, as we all very well know, I am quite obsessed with the "Thriller" hit maker, Michael Jackson.  What most people don`t know is, why.  I`m going to explain this in my post right now, because everyone has a right to know and I really like telling people. 

Also, a lot of people are confused about when I really started to like Michael Jackson, which I feel like I need to justify.  So I`m going to do so, right now..

Michael Jackson has truly been one of my favorite people.  To be honest, I never thought any of the allegations were true, I thought the white skin was kind of weird, until I learned the truth.  But when I really got into Michael was in March of 2009 when he announced his "This Is It" concert tour.  The reason I started liking him was the reason behind the tour, he did it because he knew he could and he wanted his kids to remember him performing.  Which really touched me because that would be an amazing memory.

So just so everyone has this clear, he`s been my obsession since March of `09, not since the day he died. 

Anyways, once I found out about the tour, I was so excited for him.  So I went downstairs and I downloaded a bunch of Michael Jackson songs onto my iPod and memorized every word.  And I still haven`t forgot a word.

But then, on June 25th, the unthinkable happened.  After he had just got word that he was fit and able to take on 50 shows, he went into cardiac arrest, and he passed away in the UCLA medical center at 2:36 pm.

I cried a lot that day.  I didn`t understand how something terrible like this could`ve happened.  And then I waited on the results for months, as did the rest of the world..

As it`s came out, it was Propofol that did Michael Jackson in.  He had a mix of drug coctails in his system and Dr.Conrad Murray left him there for two minutes alone, which could now be argued that Michael was the one who administered the deadly dose to himself.  But if Mike was out cold, how could you argue the facts?  Conrad Murray killed him, which is the truth, in my heart I know what happened. 

Some people say it was Michael`s fault, which I half agree with.  But Michael was the patient, it`s illegal for Dr. Murray to administer anything without a perscription, let alone in Michael`s home.  He was feeding Michael`s addiction, and that was the wrong thing to do.  He is now accountable for Michael`s death in so many people`s eyes, especially the family`s, and we all deserve justice.

Conrad Murray was charged with involuntary manslaughter and plead guilty on all charges, I guess we`ll have to see what happens, but I know he will not be getting away with this. 

Thank you to everyone who`s stood by the family and stood by the fans and helped everyone work together.  We`re making Michael`s legacy heard, which by all means, he deserves.  He`s worked harder and lost more than anyone else ever has.  Mike lost his childhood for us, he deserves this.  Michael was gravely misjudged, he was the sweetest man on earth.  He was the most loving father in the world, especially in his children`s eyes.  So thank you very much for loving and respecting Michael like I do. 

"It`s all for love, l-o-v-e." ♥

1 comment:

  1. Good posting Larissa,I like all the information about Michael Jackson. He was a pop legend and lots of people miss him because his music was great and his dancing rocked.
    One suggestion would be maybe write about something else than Michael. It's not a bad thing, it's interesting to read about him but maybe change it up a bit. Good work though
