Thursday, October 7, 2010

bullying: we NEED to stop this .

Today, I`m talking about bullying. All types of bullying, cyber, mental, physical, verbal, everything.

There has been an increased suicide rate in last month of GBLT (gay, bisexual, lesbian, transgendered) teens. In one week in September, there was a reported five suicides of teenagers who were being bullied because of their sexual orientation. Ellen Degeneres started an "Anti-Bullying Campaign"  .  Ellen is in support of stopping the bullying of more teenagers in the world.  People are dieing because of this, it needs to stop.  There`s places where you can donate money to help lines, there is help lines available for teenagers who are being bullied, there`s places to call. But this needs to stop.

I am outraged to hear about 13-year-old Asher Brown being bullied to suicide because some people heard about him being gay. But he was also teased about the way he talked, the things he did. It just makes me completely enraged to hear how someone could do that to someone. They drove Asher to suicide. But Asher isn't the only one who was driven to suicide from bullying.

There was also 18-year-old Tyler Clementi, who got broadcasted live on twitter being video taped having a sexual experience with another boy. After that, Tyler jumped off the GW bridge. We can't keep letting this happen. We need to break the silence. Help stop bullying, make your silence heard.

They deserve justice, their families deserve justice, we can`t just keep letting this happen.  No more inncent people need to die because of this.  We need to accept the fact that people are going to be different, it`s okay to be different.  Accept it.  We can`t let this happen anymore.  Fight for what you believe in. 


  1. I am interested in reading more on this. I missed out on these news stories.

    Could you add some hot links to websites that report these stories to your post? (I can help show you the technical side to this if you want.)

  2. Thank you, I added some hot links for you to check out.

  3. Great updates. Thanks. You've really got your blog looking better and better everyday.
