Friday, October 15, 2010

My Show Review: Teen Mom, Season 2

I`ve watched 16 & Pregnant all the way to Teen Mom.  Okay, so it sounds bad, but I want to review the show.  

Teen Mom is about mother`s who have their children as teenagers and the struggles they face.

First Couple:  Gary and Amber and baby Leah  (Gary, 22 . Amber, 19 . Leah, 1 and 1/2)
Gary and Amber are always engaged, and then not engaged, and then engaged again.  At the moment they`re split up, but that won`t last long.  Their daughter Leah who was born on the first season of 16 & Pregnant, currently lives mainly in Amber`s apartment and when she`s with Gary she`s at his mom`s.  They`re the type of couple who is happy one day and fighting the next.  Amber has a lot of "anger issues" she needs to deal with.  I`ve got no idea how Gary puts up with her.  But Amber is an amazing mom and would give anything to Leah and Gary is a very good father and just wants the best for his little girl.

Second Couple:  Maci and Ryan and Bentley  (Maci, 19 . Ryan, 20 . Bentley, 2) Maci and Ryan were planning on getting married before Maci got pregnant at 16.  Maci had her son, Bentley, with then boyfriend Ryan and they stayed together for a while.  But once things started going downhill, Maci couldn`t let the fighting in front of Bentley continue so she moved back in with her parents and Ryan decided he wanted to fight for custody.  Once the court date was set, Maci wouldn`t be able to move more than 150 miles away from Chatanooga.  So she decided to move to Nashville with her new boyfriend, Kyle, while she had the chance.  Ryan was obviously mad, but he couldn`t do anything about it.  But then, the unthinkable happened, Kyle and Maci broke up right after she moved to Nashville.  She decided to stay in Nashville but she had to let her family and Ryan know what happened.  Ryan didn`t really say much, he just wanted to know when he could have Bentley.  Ryan gets Bentley 5 nights every in a two week span and Maci has him the other 9 days.  Maci was upset but she knew she couldn`t keep Bentley from Ryan.  They just want to do the best for Bentley, and in my opinion, they`re doing great.

Third Couple:  Farrah and Derek (passed away) and Sofia (Farrah, 18 . Derek, 19 . Sofia, 1)
Farrah is now a single mother and always has been since 16 & Pregnant, but the truth about Sofia`s dad just came out this season.  Sofia`s father, Derek, passed away during the pregnancy and he wasn`t aware of the pregnancy.  Farrah, in my opinion, is the worst mom.  1-She left her daughter by herself in the sink to scald herself.  2-She left her daughter alone on the bed and she fell off. Who does that?  I guess it`s hard for her being a single parent, but still.  Her mom punched her in the face at the start of the season so she called the cops.  Her mom got off with anger management classes and highway clean up.  Farrah`s starting to hang out with Derek`s sister, Kassy, and her little girl now.  Which I think is a good choice for Sofia.

Fourth and Last Couple:  Catelynn and Tyler and Carly . ( and Brandon and Teresa ) . (Catelynn, 18 . Tyler, 18 . Carly, 1.  Brandon, 30.  Teresa, 30)
Catelynn and Tyler are the most mature couple I`ve ever seen.  When they made the choice to give up their little girl, Carly, for adoption, they clearly made a good one.  They have an open adoption and get to see Carly once a year.  They get pictures of her every month or so and letters.  Brandon and Teresa are the adoptive parents of Carly and are very open to letting Catelynn and Tyler see Carly.  Catelynn and Tyler`s home life is rough.  Catelynn`s mom, April, is married to Tyler`s dad, Butch.  So technically, their step brother and sister.  But they were dating before their parents.  Butch has always been in and out of jail and is now in rehab for a cocaine addiction.  They knew Carly shouldn`t grow up in a home like that and they made a very non selfish choice by giving her to a good family.  On the last episode of the season, Catelynn and Tyler got to see Carly for the first time since they gave her up at the hospital.  It was a very touching reunion, I even cried.  It was just really sweet and they were really happy to get to see and hold their little girl again.  They`re an amazing couple.

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