Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Story Review: Avalanche

Avalanche was written by Adrienne.  It was a really good story and I really liked it a lot.  


It was about three friends who were going to be travelling to Whistler for a ski trip but before that, the one guy goes to a dance recital to see his girlfriend, and her previous boyfriend was there.  Once she saw him she ran off stage, so he went to go get her and they went to her favorite place, the bridge.  

Once there, her ex-boyfriend tries to run him over with a truck, when his attempt fails, he gets out and slaps the girl in the face.  She was scared, so he took her home.  Then he leaves to Whistler with his friends to go skiing in the mountains.  

At the mountains, an avalanche happens.  He ends up in the hospital, one of his friends ended up dead, and the police officer who was standing at his bed said it could`ve been an accident, or it could`ve been caused on purpose.  Which is intending that the ex-boyfriend might have done it.


The plot of the story was three friends who were headed on a ski trip to Whistler, Alberta, but it ends in disaster.


The setting of the story was in the winter, on the mountains.  Also, part of it was in an auditorium for dance. 


The conflict of the story was the situation he got into with his girlfriend`s ex-boyfriend, then it turns into disaster on the mountains because of the avalanche, and his friend ends up dead and one ends up alive.

 My Opinion

So it was a very good ending, and a very good entire story.  I really liked reading it, and I think she should do a second story continuing on from what happened. 

I can`t really say anything bad about it, all the spelling was good, the grammar was good, and it kept me wanting to read.

My Overall Rating 

I would rate her story five stars out of five because she used really good words, it was quite intense, it was a page turner, it had a good ending, it held the subject, it had a conflict, it was entertaining, and I really enjoyed being able to read it.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Karate Kid 1 and 1/2

This week, four boys in our class performed a play they made themselves called "Karate Kid 1 and 1/2".  

I`m here to review their play and tell my thoughts on how it sounded and looked.
I thought they did an excellent job, as they always do.  They`re always very exciting to see perform and they use a lot of expression in their work.  

They were pretty funny, except a little hard to understand at times.  They could`ve used different voice expressions that people could easily understand instead of speaking really high voices.  
I kn0w the one guys name was Cornellious, but making his character a cob of corn might have been a little bit of a far stretch.

Their play was really good and funny, but some of the things they just could`ve done better.  It was really enjoyable to see and they did an excellent job.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Tila Tequila

Tila Tequila is a bisexual reality star who had her own show on MTV, "A Shot At Love"  and "A Shot At Love 2".  People spread a lot of rumors about her, but she`s been someone that I`ve always really liked.  

It`s just something about her that I admire and really like.  She`s extremely beautiful and amazing.  I really like her, although a lot of people don`t.  

I find bisexuality okay, just as I find being gay or being a lesbian okay.  I don`t judge people based on their sexuality.  

She`s a strong person, and she`s been through a lot.  She`s been exploited, her fiancĂ© passed away a few months ago, and there`s been a lot of stories about her in the tabloids.

I really like her and I hope that she keeps being the person she is, because she`s amazing.

Gramma ♥

It`s three years today that my great grandma passed away.  
It was a terrible day but I remember the good things about my grandma.  
She was such a fun person, and she was amazing.  She suffered from a few heart attack`s, the last one being fatal.  

My grandma was my best friend.  She was always lots of fun and she was really funny.  I use to spend the night at her house all the time.  I liked her house because she had a lot of cats. 

I miss my grandma a lot and I think about her all the time.  
Rest in peace, grandma.
I love you♥

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

How To.. Upload Videos On YouTube

Today I`m writing about how exactly to upload videos onto YouTube.  It`s quite simple, once you learn, so here is my tutorial:

Step one, go to YouTube at

Step two, sign into your YouTube account that you have set up.

Step three, once you`re on this page, click "upload" at the top beside "browse".

Step four, once you`re on this page, make sure you pay attention to the things I circled.  This is the page where you start your upload.

Step five, once you click on "upload", it`ll take you here.  Once here, go to "My Videos".

Step six, now you have to pick a video you want to upload from your files and double click it.

Step seven, once you get here, your video will be uploading and you can name it, write the description, and tag it.

Step eight, once you get here, it`ll come up like this and you can click on the link to your video that you have just uploaded.

Step nine, it`ll take you to a page like this where you, and the world, can now view your video. 

I hope this helped with your video uploading on YouTube.  Thank you (:

Which Animal Do I Resemble ?

The animal that I think I most resemble is a cat.

I can be really annoying and boring, but I can also be fun and easy going.  I`m not always mean, I`m cuddly.  I like to be inside and I like to hang out with my family.  

I don`t really look like a cat, but my personality resembles a cat.  I`m fun loving, I`m chill, and I like to hang out.   

That`s the animal I think I most resemble, and that`s my favorite animal.

Monday, October 18, 2010

The Real World: New Orleans (2010)

The Real World: New Orleans aired on MTV on Wednesday nights at 9 pm.  It was one of my favorite shows and I watched it religiously.  So I`m going to review that season of The Real World.

McKenzie, 22-She was the cutest person in the house.  She loved to drink and party, which was sometimes a bad thing when she blacked out, but she was a lot of fun.  McKenzie was cute like a little kid, except she had that weirdness to her.  She helped out with the charity work, and she was very emotional.  But she was a very happy girl and she was really fun to watch. 

Sahar, 24- She is so beautiful and she is such an amazing singer.  She was the most real person in the house, in my opinion.  She was chasing her dream of getting on stage, which she ended up doing.  She has an amazing voice and she`s very talented.  Her and Knight sometimes got on eachother`s nerves, especially about Sahar`s boyfriend, Pablo.  Eric was really into Sahar, but she ended up deciding Pablo was still what she wanted, even after his drunk weekend in New Orleans.  Sahar was one of the most entertaining to watch and see her follow her dreams.

Ashlee, 23-Ashlee was hilarious!  She was so funny, and she`s such a pretty woman.  She`s got an amazing voice, which she loved flaunting on the New Orleans radio with Preston.  Ashlee was looking for a good time, which she got in New Orleans.  She had some party times, and she had some emotional times.  It was really sad to see her go, but it was really fun to see her in the house.

Jemmye, 23-  Jemmye was most definitely my favorite.  She was so funny and she was the cutest.  Her accent was amazing, and it sounded hilarious when she said "Knight".  Her and Knight started a relationship sort of thing in the house, and it was really cute seeing them interact.  Mid-season, Jemmye came out that she was in an abusive relationship prior to her and Knight`s relationship.  Knight finding that out really broke him down, he was so sad to hear about her relationship before but it made him respect her a lot more.  Jemmye was the best one in the house and she was my favorite.

Eric, 24-  Eric is really sweet.  He really really liked Sahar from the start, but then Pablo got in the way.  Eric was a lot of fun and he was a party guy.  He didn`t really get into a lot of drama, other than with Ryan.  Eric had a really good time in New Orleans, and he was an amazing person to see. 

Ryan, 22- Ryan took a LOOOOTTTTT of crap in the house, but he stood his own ground.  Ryan could be annoying, loud, obnoxious, but he was always himself.  I liked Ryan from the start because of the person he was.  He was really cool and chill, but then it came out that he had OCD, which explained a lot.  Most people didn`t like him, and he left the last week in New Orleans.  But Ryan was always part of the house and all he wanted was to be accepted, and to me, he was one of the best people on the show.

Preston, 24- Preston was hilarious, and he was quite the character.  Ryan was always going after Preston because Preston`s gay, but Preston never had a problem with it.  Everyone in New Orleans was very accepting of Preston and whomever his boyfriend was that day.  Preston was a cutie, no lie, but he was very emotional and he helped keep everyone in the house sane.  Preston was amazing to see on the show and he made it worth watching.

Knight, 23-  Knight was a cutie.  He admitted to the housemates about his drug problem previous to going to "The Real World"  but they really accepted him.  Everyone other than Ryan.  Ryan really didn`t like Knight, but Knight was fine with that.  Knight and Jemmye started off with a relationship and they ended with a really happy ending.  It was sad seeing them having to leave New Orleans without eachother, but they had a really sweet story and Knight was a really sweet guy.  I really enjoyed being able to expirience seeing the show and seeing the struggles eight strangers faced when they lived together for a few months. 


This weekend was actually half decent.

My step mom, Bobbie, and her son, Cody, went to visit her mom and dad so it was only my dad, my brother, and I.  I enjoy the time I have alone with my dad, because sadly, it doesn`t happen very often.  

So on Saturday we went to Jack*** 3D.  (Sorry, I`m trying to explain it without using bad words).  It was hilarious and we went with my cousins, Josh and Jeremy.  I`m happy I got to go see it.

Afterwards my dad, my brother and I went home.  Bobbie and Cody decided to spend the night at her mom`s house, which is fine to me. 

When we got home we watched some TV and went on the computer to look at cars. We found one at a decent price so we decided to call and ask if we could see it.  They said yes so that`s what we decided to do Sunday.

Well, Sunday was drama filled.  We took my brother into town at around 11:30 to go to the pumpkin patch.  So me and my dad decided to go see the car.  We test drove it and thought it was nice, so we bought it.  
But then we got home.

So, my dad is now living alone, with our bird, Benny, and our kitten, Vinny.  I mean, it`s not a bad thing that she left (I apologize, but it was all drama) but I honestly couldn`t handle living with her.  She didn`t have any ambition to do anything at all.  And she didn`t care about anything.  So in some sense, I`m very happy about it.  Plus it`s just a lot less drama for everyone.  

So that was my weekend (:

Friday, October 15, 2010

My Show Review: Teen Mom, Season 2

I`ve watched 16 & Pregnant all the way to Teen Mom.  Okay, so it sounds bad, but I want to review the show.  

Teen Mom is about mother`s who have their children as teenagers and the struggles they face.

First Couple:  Gary and Amber and baby Leah  (Gary, 22 . Amber, 19 . Leah, 1 and 1/2)
Gary and Amber are always engaged, and then not engaged, and then engaged again.  At the moment they`re split up, but that won`t last long.  Their daughter Leah who was born on the first season of 16 & Pregnant, currently lives mainly in Amber`s apartment and when she`s with Gary she`s at his mom`s.  They`re the type of couple who is happy one day and fighting the next.  Amber has a lot of "anger issues" she needs to deal with.  I`ve got no idea how Gary puts up with her.  But Amber is an amazing mom and would give anything to Leah and Gary is a very good father and just wants the best for his little girl.

Second Couple:  Maci and Ryan and Bentley  (Maci, 19 . Ryan, 20 . Bentley, 2) Maci and Ryan were planning on getting married before Maci got pregnant at 16.  Maci had her son, Bentley, with then boyfriend Ryan and they stayed together for a while.  But once things started going downhill, Maci couldn`t let the fighting in front of Bentley continue so she moved back in with her parents and Ryan decided he wanted to fight for custody.  Once the court date was set, Maci wouldn`t be able to move more than 150 miles away from Chatanooga.  So she decided to move to Nashville with her new boyfriend, Kyle, while she had the chance.  Ryan was obviously mad, but he couldn`t do anything about it.  But then, the unthinkable happened, Kyle and Maci broke up right after she moved to Nashville.  She decided to stay in Nashville but she had to let her family and Ryan know what happened.  Ryan didn`t really say much, he just wanted to know when he could have Bentley.  Ryan gets Bentley 5 nights every in a two week span and Maci has him the other 9 days.  Maci was upset but she knew she couldn`t keep Bentley from Ryan.  They just want to do the best for Bentley, and in my opinion, they`re doing great.

Third Couple:  Farrah and Derek (passed away) and Sofia (Farrah, 18 . Derek, 19 . Sofia, 1)
Farrah is now a single mother and always has been since 16 & Pregnant, but the truth about Sofia`s dad just came out this season.  Sofia`s father, Derek, passed away during the pregnancy and he wasn`t aware of the pregnancy.  Farrah, in my opinion, is the worst mom.  1-She left her daughter by herself in the sink to scald herself.  2-She left her daughter alone on the bed and she fell off. Who does that?  I guess it`s hard for her being a single parent, but still.  Her mom punched her in the face at the start of the season so she called the cops.  Her mom got off with anger management classes and highway clean up.  Farrah`s starting to hang out with Derek`s sister, Kassy, and her little girl now.  Which I think is a good choice for Sofia.

Fourth and Last Couple:  Catelynn and Tyler and Carly . ( and Brandon and Teresa ) . (Catelynn, 18 . Tyler, 18 . Carly, 1.  Brandon, 30.  Teresa, 30)
Catelynn and Tyler are the most mature couple I`ve ever seen.  When they made the choice to give up their little girl, Carly, for adoption, they clearly made a good one.  They have an open adoption and get to see Carly once a year.  They get pictures of her every month or so and letters.  Brandon and Teresa are the adoptive parents of Carly and are very open to letting Catelynn and Tyler see Carly.  Catelynn and Tyler`s home life is rough.  Catelynn`s mom, April, is married to Tyler`s dad, Butch.  So technically, their step brother and sister.  But they were dating before their parents.  Butch has always been in and out of jail and is now in rehab for a cocaine addiction.  They knew Carly shouldn`t grow up in a home like that and they made a very non selfish choice by giving her to a good family.  On the last episode of the season, Catelynn and Tyler got to see Carly for the first time since they gave her up at the hospital.  It was a very touching reunion, I even cried.  It was just really sweet and they were really happy to get to see and hold their little girl again.  They`re an amazing couple.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

I`ve Got A Serious Obsession On My Hands & Baby , I`m Letting It Out

So, as we all very well know, I am quite obsessed with the "Thriller" hit maker, Michael Jackson.  What most people don`t know is, why.  I`m going to explain this in my post right now, because everyone has a right to know and I really like telling people. 

Also, a lot of people are confused about when I really started to like Michael Jackson, which I feel like I need to justify.  So I`m going to do so, right now..

Michael Jackson has truly been one of my favorite people.  To be honest, I never thought any of the allegations were true, I thought the white skin was kind of weird, until I learned the truth.  But when I really got into Michael was in March of 2009 when he announced his "This Is It" concert tour.  The reason I started liking him was the reason behind the tour, he did it because he knew he could and he wanted his kids to remember him performing.  Which really touched me because that would be an amazing memory.

So just so everyone has this clear, he`s been my obsession since March of `09, not since the day he died. 

Anyways, once I found out about the tour, I was so excited for him.  So I went downstairs and I downloaded a bunch of Michael Jackson songs onto my iPod and memorized every word.  And I still haven`t forgot a word.

But then, on June 25th, the unthinkable happened.  After he had just got word that he was fit and able to take on 50 shows, he went into cardiac arrest, and he passed away in the UCLA medical center at 2:36 pm.

I cried a lot that day.  I didn`t understand how something terrible like this could`ve happened.  And then I waited on the results for months, as did the rest of the world..

As it`s came out, it was Propofol that did Michael Jackson in.  He had a mix of drug coctails in his system and Dr.Conrad Murray left him there for two minutes alone, which could now be argued that Michael was the one who administered the deadly dose to himself.  But if Mike was out cold, how could you argue the facts?  Conrad Murray killed him, which is the truth, in my heart I know what happened. 

Some people say it was Michael`s fault, which I half agree with.  But Michael was the patient, it`s illegal for Dr. Murray to administer anything without a perscription, let alone in Michael`s home.  He was feeding Michael`s addiction, and that was the wrong thing to do.  He is now accountable for Michael`s death in so many people`s eyes, especially the family`s, and we all deserve justice.

Conrad Murray was charged with involuntary manslaughter and plead guilty on all charges, I guess we`ll have to see what happens, but I know he will not be getting away with this. 

Thank you to everyone who`s stood by the family and stood by the fans and helped everyone work together.  We`re making Michael`s legacy heard, which by all means, he deserves.  He`s worked harder and lost more than anyone else ever has.  Mike lost his childhood for us, he deserves this.  Michael was gravely misjudged, he was the sweetest man on earth.  He was the most loving father in the world, especially in his children`s eyes.  So thank you very much for loving and respecting Michael like I do. 

"It`s all for love, l-o-v-e." ♥

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Thanksgiving of 2O1O . (:

As we all know, it was just Thanksgiving in Canada, yay!  

My Thanksgiving was really fun.  We went down to North Dakota and stayed at a hotel for the Saturday and Sunday nights.  We went swimming, we went to the zoo, we did a lot of family things, it was a nice time. 

I really enjoy getting the time away from my town to go places with my family because it kind of makes it so I have no choice but to be with them.  Not that I don`t usually like to be with them, it`s just that when I`m home I`ve got internet, my iPod, tv, everything.  
So it`s nice being able to get away.  Especially since all my cousins and aunties and uncles were there.  I really enjoyed it.  Plus I got to go shopping!  I bought a bunch of new stuff.

We do this every Thanksgiving, the same weekend, the same hotel, all of us.  I really look forward to it because we don`t usually get together like that any other time of the year.

So this year I give thanks for amazing friends, an amazing family, a wonderful year, and everything in my life that comes ahead until next Thanksgiving (:

Friday, October 8, 2010

top ten . best things about michael j. jackson . ♥

I know I should probably let Michael Jackson go a bit, but when it comes to top ten, he always makes the list.  So this is my list for the top ten best things about Michael Jackson.

10. "Billie Jean is not my lover".  The song "Billie Jean" was the first song by a black artist ever aired on MTV.  He broke the barrier between black and white.  That`s when he really started to become a legend.

9. Michael Jackson has made it through his life living as a child.  Some people think this is eccentric, I really don`t.  He deserved to live how he wanted to.  It`s not fair for people to judge that.  He was just a big kid, he was so lovable and cute, just like he was ever since he was a kid.

8. He made it through more hard times than anyone has.  He was accused of molestation, he had so many rumors flying around, he bleached his skin, he bought the elephant man`s bones, blah blah.  If you learned a little about him, you`d know how strong of a person he really truly was.

7. He built "Neverland Valley Ranch" for sick children to come, to bring more hope into their lives, so that they could have some fun on the rides and with the animals.  That even makes me proud, proud to know someone could do something like that, not take anything for themselves.  He`s a hero.

6. He invented dance.  This one might not be so important, but it definitely dazzles you when you see his feet moving like that on stage.  He`s so amazing.  He did a lot of questionable moves, but his dancing was absolutely phenomenal.  I love seeing him move like that.

5. His singing.  He had like 2O, OOO top hits.  Maybe exaggerated a little bit, but he made a ton of music that he never even put out to the public, who knows what other songs he has.  His singing doesn`t get old, I constantly listen to it.  It`s amazing.  He`s wonderful.

4. The "Heal The World Foundation" is a Michael Jackson foundation for children who are sick and need money to help pay hospital bills, need money for places to stay, everything.  The "Heal The World Foundation" is making a change.  You can click the link I first posted to see how to help.

3. He was NORMAL. He was like any human being, he ate fried chicken on Saturday, he had kids, he was a father, he loved to help out with anything he could.  He was a regular man, stuck inside an irregular life.
2. His legacy will never be forgotten.  The things he did for this world, the music he made, the barriers he broke, the things he did.  He might be remembered as "eccentric" or "creepy", but most of all, he`ll be remembered for the lives he saved.  The children he helped.  Everything he did, it was all for the children.  And I thank him so much for what he did for the world.

1. He was a father.  He was the best father on the planet.  And if you watched the memorial, when Paris spoke about him,you couldn`t help but cry.  Honestly, if there was a dry eye in the world, you have no heart.  That was the bravest thing I`ve ever seen.  She went up in front of everyone and talked about her DAD, not Michael Jackson, she was talking about her father, the man who raised her.  Prince and Blanket are spitting images of Michael.  They look so alike.  Some people say he`s not the biological father, I say that`s not the point.  He raised those kids.  They were his.  He tucked them in at night.  They called him daddy.  He was the best father those kids could wish for, they deserved him.

Thank you so much for reading this.  I hope you like it, it`s my true feelings.
Rest in peace, Michael Jackson.  For the love and the legacy. ♥

Thursday, October 7, 2010

bullying: we NEED to stop this .

Today, I`m talking about bullying. All types of bullying, cyber, mental, physical, verbal, everything.

There has been an increased suicide rate in last month of GBLT (gay, bisexual, lesbian, transgendered) teens. In one week in September, there was a reported five suicides of teenagers who were being bullied because of their sexual orientation. Ellen Degeneres started an "Anti-Bullying Campaign"  .  Ellen is in support of stopping the bullying of more teenagers in the world.  People are dieing because of this, it needs to stop.  There`s places where you can donate money to help lines, there is help lines available for teenagers who are being bullied, there`s places to call. But this needs to stop.

I am outraged to hear about 13-year-old Asher Brown being bullied to suicide because some people heard about him being gay. But he was also teased about the way he talked, the things he did. It just makes me completely enraged to hear how someone could do that to someone. They drove Asher to suicide. But Asher isn't the only one who was driven to suicide from bullying.

There was also 18-year-old Tyler Clementi, who got broadcasted live on twitter being video taped having a sexual experience with another boy. After that, Tyler jumped off the GW bridge. We can't keep letting this happen. We need to break the silence. Help stop bullying, make your silence heard.

They deserve justice, their families deserve justice, we can`t just keep letting this happen.  No more inncent people need to die because of this.  We need to accept the fact that people are going to be different, it`s okay to be different.  Accept it.  We can`t let this happen anymore.  Fight for what you believe in. 

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

lookin` at , lookin` at , lookin` at mee //♥

So, I love this school.  I especially love being a girl?  Jeez, who doesn`t?  Drama, my favorite part.  But isn`t it everyone`s?  Yeaaah, most definitely.  But there`s a lot of things I do like about school.. okay no, I can`t really lie like that.  Hahaha.  I don`t really like school, to be honest.  I find it sort of a waste of time.  But like sitting at home would be anymore fun. :/  

I guess I really just miss the school year last year.  It was a lot of fun.  Not that this year`s bad, by any means, but I miss my friends.  One in particular.  Life`s hard, and it`s definitely never easy, but I`ve learned to deal with what I`ve got.  I`ve got one really close friend, to me, that`s all I need.  But I still miss my one other friend, who moved.  We were really close, and I miss having him to talk to.  But Jasmine`s pretty cool too.. I guess.. kidding, she`s the coolest.  

I just wish I could turn back time, make what I want to be made, and just do everything right like I should`ve.  But I didn`t.  I guess I wasn`t thinking like that before.. 

Have you ever thought of what your life would be like with that one person who makes your day everyday so happy, and you never want that to happen.  But they think it`d make them happier.  I have no idea what to do right now.  Because you want them to be happy, but you know yourself you can`t let go of that person.  Life`s not fair like that.  I just wish it was all so different than what it is right now.  

Right now I feel helpless. When that one person you`ve expected to always miss you and love you, makes you feel this way, it hurts.  But I want them to be happy, too.  I feel happy with them, but they feel lonely, and I really don`t want that.  Their really special to me and I have no idea what to say anymore.  It`s all just really confusing.  But life will always be confusing.  You have to learn how to deal with all your emotions and feelings within your life, and it can be really hard.  I`ve hit a rough patch right now, but I`m hoping things will get better.  

With the life I`ve lived, you`d be surprised at the kind of person I am.  My life has made me more independent, strong, fearless, and it`s taught me that life doesn`t have to end because of one small problem.  

I really hope that people realize, when you love what you have, don`t let go, because what you let go won`t ever come back.. ♥

Monday, October 4, 2010

i`m lovin` clouud nine , mah head`s in the skyy . ♥

heey , world . 
so i`ve decided to share with you a couple of interesting things about me that you probably don`t need to know but i`m gonna tell you anyways  !
1. i have my ears pierced three times ! ( see  , i`m not a baby . i don`t cry because of needles . okay ?! ]
2. i like swimming . ESPECIALLY IN DIRTY WATER . i was kidding , that`s gross . 
3. the world loves me . you all love me o_O
4. shut up and drive use to be my favorite song , until i figured out the real meaning . 
5. i`m smart enough for the internet !
6. i love people . especially cute boys .. *COUGH* BRUNO MARS , just saying ..
7. lady gaga scares me .. i`m serious . 
8. i don`t like korn , how much can your ears take ?! 
9. i like putting spaces before . , ? or ! 
10. i`d like to get my nose pierced . ( FIVE MONTHS ]
11. i don`t think i want to have 19 kids ANNND counting .. duggars . 
12. i love tattoos . they`re cool .