Thursday, March 24, 2011

hey rebecca black, apparently it's friday..

Okay, so if you haven't seen this video, make sure you watch my attached link before you read this.  Pay attention to the video and the lyrics.

Okay now, this video starts out where a calendar comes up with this girls annoying face in some cheap Windows Movie Maker effect, and she's singing her little harmonies while the calender flips through the days of the week.  Sunday: STUDY STUDY STUDY. Uhm, pretty sure normal kids do that, quit complaining.  Monday: TEST TODAY.  Ooh, exciting.  Tuesday: MORE HOMEWORK.  Awh, Rebecca.  Life's rough, eh?  Wednesday: MUSIC PRACTICE.  Congrats.  Thursday: ESSAY ONE.  WOOHHOOOO.  Friday: HOORAY, YES, FINALLY.  Too bad no one cares. 

Okay so now it's 7 am, not 6:59, not 7:01, just 7.  She wakes up with her curly hair and then she's gotta go downstairs and gotta get fresh.  So she rolls herself down the stairs and her hair is MAGICALLY straightened and she just looks great... Now she's standing downstairs and she's gotta have her bowl, gotta have cereal.  Which kind, Rice Krispies?  I don't know!  Then everyone behind her is rushing like they actually have to be somewhere and she's just standing around singing.  Her mom's probably like, "REBECCA, GET TO SCHOOL!"  Kids these days... Then she heads down to the bus stop, gotta catch her bus.  Now, I think the point of a bus stop is to get on the bus, but oh no, Rebecca Black taught me different.  Her 12 year old friends come rolling up in their Convertible, which I'm pretty sure the munchkin driving can't reach the pedals in the car, but anyways.  She stands there AT THE BUS STOP trying to figure out which seat she's going to sit in, in a car full of four people and five seats.  REBECCA, THERE'S ONLY ONE SEAT LEFT.  Then she finally gets in the car and she gets to the most annoying chorus ever sang.



Then all the kids are chillin' in the car with their seat belts off, they've all switched seats as you can see.  Now she's sitting ON THE BACK, not even IN THE CAR.  Can somebody please explain to me what her dilemma was with picking a seat in the car before, NOW SHE'S NOT EVEN SITTING IN THE SEAT.  Obviously this video is not teaching kids safe driving.  Her friends that are sitting in the back with her both look like they want to throw themselves into moving traffic, to be honest.  They're all dancing awkwardly and flipping their hair beside her with their annoying facial expressions.  Then she says, "My friend is on my right, eh,"  like, ouch.  That's kind of a stab to the girl on the left, don'tcha think?   Then she says, "I got this, you got this,"  uhm, no Rebecca, I don't got this. 

Then she gets to the chorus and it's at this party she was waiting for all week!  So her and all her little 12 year old friends roll up in their sport cars to this great party they're having on FRIDAYY FRIDAAAYY!  Okay, I'm the same age as her and I'm pretty sure the only party she's invited to is one where they'll be watching Disney movies and being supervised by parents. 

So she arrives and pretends everyone there is her friend but they're all there going, "Who is that and why is she saying Friday so much?"  She looks SO uncomfortable the entire time she's singing.  By the way, the people who picked the make up for this video, YOU SUCK.  Her eyes looked like a smurf threw up on them.  Then everyone at the party joins in with her singing saying, "YEA!"  How nice. 

Then she gets to the most educational part of the song:

Yesterday was Thursday.  Today is Friday.  We we we so excited.  We so excited.  We gonna have a ball today.  Tomorrow is Saturday and Sunday comes afterwards.  I don't want this weekend to end.

Really, do you think we're all that stupid that we don't know the days of the week?  Clearly her school needs to work on her grammer a little bit if she keeps saying "We so excited,"  and she sounds like she's got a bit of a stuttering problem.

Then this creepy rapper that NO ONE has ever heard of just pops up driving in his car with his awesome watch on talking about which seat to sit in.  NO!  You do not talk about things like this with 12 year old little girls.  No, just no.  Then he talks about how he sees the school bus.  Buddy, you need some friends if all you do is follow around school buses... or some help. 

Then she's on a stage singing about how it's FRIED EGGS FRIED EGGS and then she stops... and everyone claps.

Okay, I know Rebecca Black is only like 13, but really, this song is the most annoying thing I've EVER heard.  I'm not trying to be mean, really, but there's only so much you can take. 

1 comment:

  1. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! This is hilarious. Of course you know everybody else makes fun of her as well. Including me; have you noticed that recently people have been making fun of her more often on their blogs recently? On my blog i posted the links to some parodies of the video. Blog URL is:
