Charlie has five kids, his most recent children are his twins, Bob & Max, at one year old. He had them with former wife/girlfriend, Brooke Muler. Bob & Max were recently removed from Charlie's care by the request of Brooke.
Charlie Sheen was recently interviewed by Good Morning America, where he was asked if he was on drugs. His reply? "I'm on a drug... a drug called Charlie Sheen!" What a winner.
He's recently started webcasting himself in a show he calls "Sheen's Korner", where you're either watching, or you're with the trolls. He's recently claimed he's got "tiger blood, man," and he's a warlock.
He recently compared rehab to a landfill and waved a machete off a five story roof. Win? I think so.
I wish I was drinking tiger blood, being a warlock and bi-winning with Charlie Sheen. ♥
He's a god in disguise... the disguise of a warlock.

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