Monday, March 21, 2011

Growing In The Woods

Jadon felt the sun shining down on his shoulders while he sat happily by the stream. It was a perfect sunny day and luckily he was spending it with Emily. Then, all at once Emily pointed at the water. 

“Look Jadon!” Emily exclaimed, “It is a swimming herd of squirrels.”

"No baby, I think that's just the marijuana working in your favor,"  Jadon laughed.  

"Oh,"  Emily laid her head on Jadon's shoulder and giggled.  

Emily's a fourteen year old girl.  She's very cute with her long black hair and bright blue eyes.  She looked to be about 115 pounds soaking wet and she was a short, about 5'O and had extremely beautiful facial features.

Jadon's mother is African American and his dad is Caucasian, except his parent's split because she figured out that she was more happy with a woman.  So Jadon lived with his two mom's until he was seventeen and he hasn't seen his dad since he was two.  Jadon was darker in color, and had bright green eyes.  He was an extremely good looking guy, but he was the "bad boy" type.  He's been dealing and doing dope since he was twelve years old.  Jadon's now eighteen years old and living in a small town in Texas all by himself. 

"Is it wearing off yet, babe?"  Jadon asked, putting his hand softly on her face. 

"Yea babe, I think so.  Do you think I could stay with you tonight?"  Emily asked, averting her eyes as if she was scared of the reply.

He took her face in his hands and softly kissed her, "Of course, honey."

He stood up slowly, stretching out his legs and back, and then he took Emily's hand and pulled her up.

"You want to stop by your house and pick up some clothes?"  Jadon asked, grabbing her hand as they walked through the still park, past the stream.

"My dad will literally kill me if he knows I'm staying with you, I'll just skip school tomorrow,"  Emily said, smiling up at him. 

"Okay baby, whatever you say,"  Jadon said, kissing her on the cheek. 

They walked in silence a little longer, until coming to a forked path through the woods.  Jadon had to live in the woods with a little clearing around his house because he had a grow op in his shed and the plants needed some daylight. 

Jadon's house was quite large, to be honest.  It was all white and had red trim and shingles.  It was a two story home, plus a basement and an attic.  Oh, and the shed where he was growing his marijuana.  He had a lot of money, but he wouldn't explain to Emily the reason he wouldn't spend it.  She wouldn't really understand, she was only fourteen. 

Jadon unlocked the door and they both walked in to the dark house.  Their was shutters covering all the windows, except when we were home, so the rare plants that were inside could get some light.  

"It looks good in here, babe,"  Emily said, smiling as she set her purse down on his purple, velvet couch.  

"Thanks, honey,"  he said, smiling as he grabbed a blanket from his closet.

"Can we watch movies?"  Emily asked, her blue eyes beaming with anticipation.

"Yea, babe.  I've got a ton, go look in that folder beside the chair,"  he pointed to a big binder full of DVD's he illegally downloaded off the internet.  Rebel.

Emily picked a couple movies for them to settle down and watch cuddled up on the couch.

"What'd you pick?"  Jadon asked intently. 

"Cabin Fever, Saw, Nightmare On Elm Street and Kujo,"  Emily said, patting the seat beside her on the couch to signal Jadon to sit down.

He strolled over beside the couch, picking up his extremely pregnant cat to come cuddle with them since she was being extremely loving since she got pregnant.


Jadon woke up.  4:27 a.m.  He got up off the couch and went to the kitchen to get some water and head up to his own bed.

"Babe, is that you?"  Emily said, rather tiredly.

"Yea, it's me, Em.  Want to come up to bed, honey?"  Jadon asked, walking over to the couch to sit on the edge.

"Carry me?"  she asked in a childish voice.

"Okay, baby,"  Jadon said, picking her up off the couch to take her upstairs.

She was fast asleep by the time he laid her down in bed.

Jadon tossed and turned all night, though.  He couldn't bear what was to come.  He didn't want Emily to find out about him.  He didn't think she needed the stress of it, with her home life.  Her dad was so mean to her and her mom didn't even care.  He knew she wanted to stay with him, and he wanted her to, also.  "Tomorrow I'll ask her," he thought.


"Good morning, sleepyhead,"  Emily said, leaning over him, her black hair put into a long braid to the right side of her perfect body.

"Good morning to you, too,"  Jadon said with a sly grin on his face.

She leaned down and gave him a romantic kiss.  She quickly stood up and put her bright red hoodie on.

"It really accents her blue eyes,"  Jadon thought to himself.  Then he caught himself thinking something else and saying it out loud, "That's all I get?"  He winked at her.

"Oh, shut up,"  she said laughing, "maybe later."  She winked back.

"Can you make me something to eat?"  Jadon asked, pleading with his eyes.

"Pff, since when was I your maid,"  Emily laughed, running down the stairs.

She went into the fridge and grabbed some eggs, a bowl, salt, pepper and ham.  She made him the best breakfast she knew how, which probably wasn't the greatest food ever, but she tried.

"Babe?"  Jadon yelled loudly down the stairs.

"Yea?"  she shouted.

"Bring me a joint from my closet, please?"  

"Okay, with your breakfast,"  she said, smiling to herself.

She grabbed the plates and the joints from his closet and took it up to the bedroom.

"Hey, thanks honey,"  Jadon said, smiling sweetly. 

"You're welcome,"  Emily said, grinning back.

"Can you grab my lighter from my pants pocket on the floor?"  

"Yea, sure,"  she said, leaning down to grab it.  

"Maaaaaan,"  he said, exaggerating on it a little bit.

"Shut up!"  she said, throwing his lighter at him jokingly.

He lit up a joint and they both took a couple hits.  Emily was starting to get use to the feeling, she wasn't laughing as much this time.

"This is really good breakfast, Em,"  Jadon said, putting his arm around her waist.

"Thanks, Jadon,"  she said, smiling.

"Hey, I was thinking last night, I think you should move in with me,"  Jadon said, nervously approaching the subject.

"Really?  I can move in?"  Emily asked, extremely excited.

"Yea, babe.  Of course you can,"  he said, giving her a peck on the cheek.

"Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you!"  she exclaimed, happily.

"I have to go water the marijuana, wanna come help?"  Jadon said, encouraging her.

"Nah, I think I'll just stay here and chill with Bernice for a little bit,"  Emily said, petting Bernice.

Bernice was the name of Jadon's pregnant cat.  She was due anytime and Emily didn't really want to leave her alone.  Bernice was around six years old, and he was Jadon's best friend through everything.  Sometimes Bernice even went out to his shed and helped him water his plants.

"Alright, be good Bernice,"  he said, giving her a pat on the back and running out the door.

Almost as soon as Jadon left, Bernice started going crazy and meowing.  Emily didn't know what to do, but she assumed Bernice was in labor. 


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