Thursday, February 10, 2011

J. Star♥

Jeffree Star is amazing.  He's the most beautiful person I've ever seen and he shows how he really feels.  He's got the most manly voice EVERRRR, but he's really sweet and care-free.  

Yea, he looks a whole lot like a girl, but he's not.  You can't help it if you're stuck in the body you shouldn't have been born in.
He's got real gorgeous eyes, and he's a super amazing singer.  I admire Jeffree so much, you can't even begin to imagine.  

I don't have a problem with cross dressers or transvestites.  I hate it when parents raise close minded kids, parents who raise open minded kids are amazing. ♥

I love Jeffree Star.  ♥

Got A Problem With That?

So, some of you may know who Chris Crocker is, and he is amazing, if I do say so myself.  I love Chris Crocker, I really do.  He was the one who made that "Leave Britney Alone" video a few years back.  Yea, that guy.  

Chris Crocker inspires me.  Mainly because he doesn't take bull from anyone, and he does what HE wants.  He can dress like a girl and still be powerful.  A lot of people find him absolutely disgusting, but I think he's pretty much amazing.

He stands up for what he believes in and I admire that about him.  Some of the things he talks about sometimes might be a little "out there", but really, no need to judge.  

He stands up for himself and all the other gays out there and he does it with a hair flip and a snap of his fingers, plus he looks beautiful.  I LOVE CHRIS CROCKER.

It Gets Better

I know I talk about how I'm all for gay rights and everything a whole lot and maybe some people don't agree, but I wanted to do my own sort of "It Gets Better" talk.  

Who is anyone to judge anyone else?  Especially for their sexual preference.  If you can marry who you want, why can't gay people?  It's not fair.  They say by having gay marriage illegal, they're saving marriage and families.  If you really wanted to save marriage and families, why not make divorce illegal? 

It doesn't matter who you are, what your religious beliefs are, blah blah, you can still marry who you want.  Why aren't they allowed to marry who they want?

Everyone always jokes about gay people or making gay slurs, and it honestly hurts my feelings.  If I'm not gay and it hurts my feelings, then think about how it would feel for someone who was gay and listening.  

Yea, maybe if you're gay and "out of the closet" then it might be hard as a teenager, and you have a right to think that.  But you need to surround yourself with people who care about you and who love you, not people who bash you.  It's not fair for anyone to have to go through that, it really isn't.  

People really need to get it through their head- GAY'S ARE JUST LIKE YOU AND ME.  Who cares who you love?  Just because the bible says it was "Adam and Eve", doesn't mean there was never an "Adam and Steve".  

Even if it's hard right now, it does get better.  You'll find someone who loves you for who YOU are, not who everyone else wants you to be.  Whether you're gay, bisexual, lesbian, transvestite or anything else.  Someone loves you, I promise.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Book Report For I Am Fifteen and Don't Want To Die

Letter Of Recommendation
Dear Grade 8 Student,
I just finished reading the book I am Fifteen and Don't Want To Die.  This book was an exhilerating story about a girl named Christine and her family trying to live through WWII.
They go through a series of dangerous encounters and tough decisions.  They have to learn how to cope with living with other families in a small cellar and strategize to get food and water.
If you like action, emotion, scary, and mature stories, I highly recommend you read this book. 
It's a really good story and I really enjoyed reading it.  It's not a very long book but it packs a lot of action into it.  This story helps you to kind of visualize what it'd be like living through WWII.
So if you like what I've explained above, you'd really like this book.  I hope you read it and find it as fascinating as I did.

Abandoned: Alternate Ending
We had finally arrived, getting into the new town and new life.
"Dad, are you alright?"  I asked, looking back to see my father on the ground.
I didn't get a response so my mother went to see what was wrong.  My father is aging so I didn't think much of it, maybe he was just tired.
I went and grabbed one of his arms as my mother got the other.  We walked over to a tree and we settled there for the night.
Once morning came, we shook my dad awake.  He still wasn't feeling well so we wanted to get to somewhere where someone could help.
About a half hour of walking, we found a coffee shop.  Someone offered to take my father to a hospital in a nearby town.
We ended up going and my father was fine, just a bit dehydrated.  The man offered us his cabin in the country for a few extra helping hands at his restaurant.
So we began our new life, regretting nothing and being fortunate for everything that came our way.

Inner Conflicts
1. Some inner conflicts that Christine faced were:
-Whether she was going to live or die.
-To help others or to help herself.
-To water the horses or to keep it for herself.
-To go to the Turkish baths for water or to stay safe in the cellar.

2A. Whether she was going to live or die was something Christine struggled with everyday.  She wanted to live but she knew any day could be her last.
B. To help others or to help herself was also something she struggled with since she was living in a cellar with tons of other people.  She always wanted to help everyone but she also knew she needed to take care of herself.
C. To water the horses or to keep it for herself (to be generous or to be selfish) was something she struggled with because she felt so bad for the horses.  They were eating the banisters upstairs and she really wanted to help them out, so she did give them water.  It was a self less decision and a good choice.
D. To go to the Turkish baths for water or to stay safe in the cellar was a hard decision her choice depended on her safety and well being.  She ended up going, but dodging bullets and bombs the whole way.

3. Christine struggled with her life or death situation but ultimately made the best choices for herself and she lived.
Christine always wanted to help others and herself.  In the story she eneded up doing a little bit of both.  Helping others made her feel good and helping herself kept her alive.
Christine never wanted to be selfish but she didn't want to trust everyone.  She ended up making a few new friends and saved herself at the same time.  Christine went to the Turkish baths, risking her own safety, but she helped the horses when she got back which made her proud of herself.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Things My Mother Once Told Me

My mother once told me not to give people too many chances after they keep hurting you.  I never realized how right she was until now.  

I've been stepped on, talked down to, and just overall disrespected.  There's people in my life who I have to love that have done it to me, and I'm not giving them anymore chances.  It's not fair to keep trying for someone you know isn't ever going to try the way you do.  

I use to think she was just trying to say that because she didn't want me to like him/her but now I get what she meant.

It's not fair to give people so many chances and they just totally stopped trying.  That's happened to me a lot with friends and even family, sometimes it just gets too much.  

I always argued with my mom over how she didn't know how I felt about it but in all honesty, she did.  She never wants me to go through the same things she had to, and that's why she told me not to give away chances like they're candy, because the person you're giving them to probably won't realize what they had until it's gone.

I took back everything I had said.

My mother once told me that I should never do drugs or smoke.  She was right, that's what messed me up.

Everyone else was doing it, and with my friends that was the cool thing to do.  Not that I was totally obsessed with being cool and everything, but I thought it might be pretty awesome.  People were all talking about how they were all tripped out and how cool it was, so when I was hanging out with them and they rolled a joint, I took a hit.

That changed my life because I thought it was just marijuana and people say it's pretty much harmless, but it was laced with coke.  That little hit I took that was laced got me hooked.  I guess they thought the person they got it from was reliable, but they clearly weren't.  

I became addicted to cocaine and I got some every chance that came up.  That's where all my money went, to feed my drug habit.  I was always really ashamed of it, but I let it get out of control all too fast.  (not that you can really have a drug addiction under control).  

Once I was hooked on coke, I decided that I might aswell try some other stuff too.  One night I was hanging out with my friends and they had all kinds of pills, powders, and stuff you could smoke.  That night I tried ecstacey, LSD, crystal meth, oxy contin, speed, acid, pretty much everything.  

I overdosed.  They had to flush me out and I was in the hospital for three weeks.  After that I was sent to rehab for around five months.  The worst thing that came out of my mother's mouth when she saw me in the hospital was, "I'm so disappointed in you." 

That's what made me stop.  That's what kept me in rehab.  I haven't relapsed and I've been sober ever since.  

I took back everything I had said.