Thursday, January 20, 2011

My Favorite Memories Of School

Grade 5:
We had a teacher who none of us were really very interested in listening to, so when he'd leave the room, we'd play this game where we'd shove someone in his smelly closet and keep them in there until he came back.  Good times.

Grade 6:
On the last day of school, our teacher forgot to get a substitute teacher for us.  So we all just kind of sat there first period, and then we decided she wasn't coming.  So we kind of just did whatever.  Until the end of the day... that's when we raided her candy cupboard.  We felt SOOOO bad about it after, but to be honest it was pretty hilarious.

Grade 7:
In grade 7 I had this one teacher for Social Studies and not a lot of people liked him.  I thought he was pretty much the best and I always joked around with him.  One day me and a couple friends were in his classroom and he was talking about his wife and how she was visiting her mom or something and he was sad and blah blah, so just out of habit I said, ``Awh, muffin.`` 
Yea, things after that were quite weird, but now me and him are totally BFF`s, and he asks me every morning why I haven`t called him.  Creepy? No.  Best Friend Ever? For sure.

Grade 8 (so far):
The weekends.  Hahahaha.  I`m sorry but school is just way too boring for me. 

Good memories?  I think yes.

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