Monday, January 24, 2011

Yea Shawty, What's Up?

So hey uh, sorry Mr. Oldcorn but I'm going to write a note to Mikayla on here because I couldn't think of anything else to write about.  It might have bad punctuation and spelling errors, and some smiley faces.  SORRY!

dear miky doo(; 
hey so uhm, i miss you to pieces, doll face!  you're the best(:  . gosh , don't you just love khloe & kourtney take miami? LOLOL. i love you khloe (;  . and uh , how's 2O11 going for you? HAHAHHA . yea uhm , she's fun.  courtney "yea, i added her to see her pictures !" haha , i love her.  and uhm , you're pretty cool.  wanna play waffle guns ?! i know where we could go first ;)   . we so funny(:  . THEY'RE JUST SO FUNN . "you're a babe" , well , you can see from the pictures . HAHAHA . y`knoow ? so uhm , get back asap , a-okay broski ?  i lovee ya mang!  maybe when you come back we could watch saw ! you going on the ski trip ?  maybe we could saw marathon it up if you`re not (;  . at yer dad`s though !  "hey baby, what's up?" LOLOL.  makes my life, i swear (; .  "this is a rat trap!" HAHAHA . we're so beastly.  i'm sooo calling you today , js , nbd or anything .  so uhm , i read JATD today , pree sweet  . i like to waste time doing that (:  . i`m sooo hungry right now , like legit !  it's only third period .___.   . omggg . like , really . tusc tomorrow (;   . that's always lovely . GUESS WHO'S CHAIRPERSON ! THAT'D BE MEEE ! ohya man , mememe.  LOLOL . I WILL TEAR OUT YOUR LUNGS ! LOL JK , i love you (;  .  oh yea , uhm , DECAYING TEETH . hahha "they were all rotten and stuff !" i love you !!! so , I WHIP MA HAIR BACK AND FORTH , I WHIP MA HAIR BACK AND FORTHHH ! haha , lml .   buuut i should go (:   . i'm calling you lates ! I LOVE YOU MIKAAAYLAAAA .

Hey, I Love My Friends

So, a lot of people hate me.  Yea, I know.  I don't really care though, to be honest, because the friends that I do have mean the entire world to me.  My friend Mikayla is pretty much thee best.  She's been there for me through everything and she's tried to understand the decisions I make, but I understand how hard it is to deal with someone like me.  I love you to bits, best friend!  Ps, let's rat trap this(;
I have another friend, Jasmine.  Jasmine is one of my best friends in the entire world.  I love her to pieces, and we never fight.  Jasmine is really friendly and we both laugh at everything, especially McGruber.  
Courtney is another best friend.  She's like, my whole life and a half.  She's pretty much my second half.  We think sooo much alike, it's insane.  I love her to death and she's my world.
Jasmina is the best.  She's sooo funny and she makes me smile every day.  She's gorgeous but won't accept the compliment, and we both have the exact same mind.  
Kelbie is so amazing!  She's so funny and she makes my day so much better.  Everytime we talk she makes me laugh.  She makes me forget about everything I'm ever worried about.  I love that girl!  Ps, wanna waffle gun it up?
Kevin is like, my second half pretty much.  He's been my best friend for about a year and a half now, and we were inseperable before he left.  I miss him so much and I've only seen him three times since last February.  Life's tough and people change, I guess that's what happens.

Courtney and Mikayla are pretty much my defenders, not that I can't fight my own battles, they just get to it before me.  I'm happy that I have friends to count on like them that'll do anything for me.  *cough 2O11*.  I love my life. (:

So hey, my friends are amazing.  (: 

Thursday, January 20, 2011

My Favorite Memories Of School

Grade 5:
We had a teacher who none of us were really very interested in listening to, so when he'd leave the room, we'd play this game where we'd shove someone in his smelly closet and keep them in there until he came back.  Good times.

Grade 6:
On the last day of school, our teacher forgot to get a substitute teacher for us.  So we all just kind of sat there first period, and then we decided she wasn't coming.  So we kind of just did whatever.  Until the end of the day... that's when we raided her candy cupboard.  We felt SOOOO bad about it after, but to be honest it was pretty hilarious.

Grade 7:
In grade 7 I had this one teacher for Social Studies and not a lot of people liked him.  I thought he was pretty much the best and I always joked around with him.  One day me and a couple friends were in his classroom and he was talking about his wife and how she was visiting her mom or something and he was sad and blah blah, so just out of habit I said, ``Awh, muffin.`` 
Yea, things after that were quite weird, but now me and him are totally BFF`s, and he asks me every morning why I haven`t called him.  Creepy? No.  Best Friend Ever? For sure.

Grade 8 (so far):
The weekends.  Hahahaha.  I`m sorry but school is just way too boring for me. 

Good memories?  I think yes.

Monday, January 17, 2011

It's Not A Game

"Mason, come down here!"  my Mom yelled from upstairs.
 I ran down as fast as I could, hearing the importance in her voice.

"Yea, Mom?"  I asked, entering the kitchen.
"Mason, Briana called this morning,"  she said.

I could feel the anger in her voice.
Ever since I started dating Briana, my Mom's hated her.  For the most part it's because Briana's been labeled "bad news".  Whenever I'm with Briana all we do is watch movies, so I don't see what's so "bad" about her.

"Thanks, Mom,"  I said, giving her a slight smile.
"Yea, whatever..."  she trailed off.

I picked up the phone and went to my room to call Briana.

"Hey, Bri,"  I said, grinning.

"Hey, Mason."  I could hear the excitement in her voice.
"So, did you call this morning?"

"Yea, I did.  I was wondering if you wanted to hang out today?"  

"For sure, but at your house?  My Mom's "uh,"  I paused, trying to think of a quick excuse, "she's not feeling well."

"Yea, Mas, of course.  Want to just grab a couple movies on the way over or what?"
"Sure.  I'll be over in an hour, okay?"