Monday, December 19, 2011

hey guise.

so pumped for christmas break.. like you have no idea. thursday, yeee! i work wednesday and thursday till 9, but after work thursday i'm hanging out with aaron, chelsea and dillon so it's all good :) 

gonna be the best start to christmas holidays, ohya. and guess what? i just decided when i get home i'm gonna make tomato soup. just another thing to look forward to! boomcrush.

but this class is boring me right now.. like actually. i've been done for like a week and everyone else needs to speed up! this class feels like foreverrrr. i wish i was still in junior high where we had 8 periods instead of 5 /: blahhh. not loving it....

i wanna go see a keith urban concert. lol random. i've seen him twice now.  once in 2009 and once in september of this year. freaking. amazing. you have no idea.  the best night of my life.  got to give him a hug and all, good timeeee ;) 

lovin' it, lovin' it.  i kinda wants mcdonalds... FRIDAY.  i had subway last night with dills and chelsea. then we watched cowboys vs. aliens and it was awful... like so bad. seriously. never watch it. ever. 

but it's whateva, just lovin' life today.  i have to work SO much between christmas and new years. i work the 28, 29, 30, 31. not impressed.  like, come on. i work till 6 new years eve! but then i'm just chillin' with aaron :)  

defs gonna be an amazing christmas break! 


Friday, December 16, 2011

still sick & twisted

k well all my junior high teachers thought i was sick and twisted... and i kind of like, realized i am.

i can tell you, FROM HEART, stories about almost every serial killer that was huuuge. i know everything about albert fish, jeffrey dahmer, ted bundy, john wayne gacy, robert pickton, charles manson, ed gein, and jack the ripper.

even the fictional ones. jigsaw (my favorite), freddy kreuger, jason, michael myers, basically anyone.

how do i even learn things like this...? the reason i started getting into serial killer stuff is because i seen the movie, "Dear Mr. Gacy" about john wayne gacy.  i was totally into it and wanted to know like everything about serial killers.. which i now know a lot about.

i literally sat on my butt and read stories on TrueTV in the crime library for HOURS on end.  i watched re enactment movies on john wayne gacy, ted bundy, and jeffrey dahmer.  

i know that john wayne gacy had 8 unidentified victims from when the bodies were brought out and one was identified in november 2011 after missing for 30 years.

it's a sick yet fascinating thing.  i'm not saying i support serial killers by any means, but i'm definitely interested in how their mind works and what they do.  some of them are just normal people who spiraled out of control.  

plus i'm obsessed with saw.. i could probably sit there and recite each movie to you.  not even joking.... i know, it's awful.  but that's things that interest me.  i like to know how the criminal mind works.  i think it's just the part of not knowing why that makes me want to learn why.  saw is interesting because you have to pay attention.  you have to make sure you listen and understand every little hint and clue, or else you'll never know what's going on.  

i think i'm kind of crazy. but i love it.

mazel be in high school

hi hi hi hi :)

look who it is! .. if you haven't guessed yet, it's me. 
it's been sooooo long since i've even paid any attention to this blogger... hahaha, i'm pathetic. busy with high school & a job and such i guess.  good year, getting rid of the bad and on with the gooood. dropped some friends, gained some new ones. 

high school isn't AT ALL how anyone made it seem. to you teachers who tried to tell us: you were wrong. lololol. we have so much more freedom here, it's insane. music in class is like the best thing ever. bring your ipod's, childrennn! lovin' it. and if you're in lifeworks, you get things done real fast and you can blog like me! :) because we classy in huuuur. 

and in high school, make the right friends and you get to go to subway at lunch. it's fantastic, not gonna lie.  we have super great teachers, too! i mean.. sometimes.   but yea, math is really really hard. you will NOT be prepared for this.  you have no idea. every other subject i have over 75%... except math.  :(  the down side of being duuuumb.

science is great though! i love it. and every other class i have this semester is super easy.  like simple.  plus it's almost christmas break :)  only 4 more days of classes and then donnnne for like 2 weeks. but i get to go to punta cana so i'm livin' the good life :b  puuumped. we have beds on the beach.

beds. on. the. beach.

craziness. oh, and i went to we day in winnipeg! which was reallyreally great! such a good time.  

soo ya, just thought i'd type a little something. 

loveeee :)

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Gotta Love Canada...

Okay, so, I love living in Canada.  I'm kidding, I hate it.  It is April 29 today and it is a dang BLIZZARDDDD outside.  REALLLLY?!  Why?  It's been like, seven months of winter up in here.  Are you kidding me?  It was plus ten at least yesterday, annnnnd today it's into the minus'.  OH MY GOOD LORD.  Absolutely ridiculous.  Thank you, Canada, for bringing out the mitts again.  Appreciate it. ♥  Just kidding, I hate you, Canada. :$

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Things I Absolutely Hate(:

-I absolutely HATE when people deny things that EVERYONE else knows is true.  It is really annoying. 
-I hate it when people pretend they like you, but they really don't.  Just say it, it's not like I care anyways.
-I hate it when people you don't even like, think you're best friends.  Back up, thanks. 
-I hate it when people say, "cool story bro" when you just explained something and totally owned them.  Like, I know you're jealous.  Don't even say anything. 
-I hate it when people say "owned" or "pwned", pretty sure you don't know what a pwn is. 
-I hate it when people talk about Disney movies like they actually like them just to be cool.  Shut up.
-I hate it when people try to get in your business and pretend that they understand.  YOU DON'T, get over it. 
-I hate it when people pretend they know your best friend or your boyfriend and say that they're as useless as pocket lint.  You don't know them.  Shut your mouth.
-I hate it when people think they're the coolest and their reply to everything is "good comeback".  I used that when I was five. 
-I hate it when people drag out the words "ohhhh myyyy goddddd."   Chill, it's not his fault. 
-I hate it when people push religion on you and since you're a "non-believer" they find it necessary to talk as much about Jesus as possible.  Like legit, no one even cares if I grow into a tree after I die.  
-I hate it when people say you should have children to "carry your family name".  I've got siblings. 
-I hate when you're driving down the road in your vehicle and people just stare at you.  Like, look away.
-I hate it when people constantly say "that's what she said".  I don't care what she said.
-I hate it when people say "are you on crack?!" Yes, maybe I am on crack.
-I hate it when people quote Rebecca Black every Friday, no one cares anymore. Shut up. 

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Jigsaw: Three's A Crowd

"Hello, can anybody hear me?  Hello?"  the man yelled. 

Ashlyn could hear him from the basement.  She had to be there, watching the monitors.  She needed to see if he was playing by the rules.  She remembered John saying, "It's not a big game, but the outcome will be more important than you may realize."

The man was feeling around.  Ashlyn could see his eyes, they were sewn shut.  He had no use of his sight, it would naturally be altered forever.

His struggling was getting more intense.  Ashlyn didn't want to see him lose, but she knew she couldn't help him.

Finally he hit the button on the wall.  The television in the corner of the room proceeded to come on. 

"Hello Detective Jenkins, I want to play a game.  You've ruined and deceived at your workplace and home.  The luxurious life you live is sure to make you feel safe and secure.  Right now your eyes are sewn shut, you need to play the game without sight.  What you need to do is move four paces to the right and two paces forward.  There's a glass of hydrofluoric acid that you might feel.  It has a key in it, the key to your freedom.  The only problem is that there's no guarantee that you won't be hurt.  If you get the key within two minutes, you will be able to unlock the door beside you.  If not, the door will be locked and this room will forever be your tomb.  Hurry, time is running out.  Let the game begin."

When he heard the voice shut off, he went the correct amount of paces toward the jar.  Ashlyn was worried, she didn't want to watch, but she knew she had to report back to John.

The detective was quickly aware how uneasy it'd be to get the key once he stuck his hand into the jar. 

"I guess he doesn't know what hydrofluoric acid is,"  Ashlyn thought to herself.

He tried again and grasped the key.  His hand was bleeding, Ashlyn was in pain just watching him.  He grabbed the key and took it to the door.

He was yelling out, "Help me, help me," softer and softer each time.

Detective Jenkins unlocked the door before the timer went off.  Ashlyn was happy, he won.  The detective was now inside a safe that was built in on the other side of the door.  It was a sort of elevator, it took him up to the top floor so Ashlyn could meet him.

"Detective Jenkins?"  Ashlyn asked.

"Hello?"  he sobbed. 

His eyes were bleeding and his hands were rugged and burnt off from the acid.

"I'm here to help you, there's just one thing I need,"  Ashlyn said, carefully trying to keep calm.

"Yes?"  he asked, putting his hands softly to his eyes.

"I need your immunity,"  Ashlyn said, staring down at him.

"Why?"  he asked.

"No questions, I need a yes or no.  I know what you've done, detective.  Take John and I in and there will be trouble for you, I promise.  Do we have an agreement?"


Ashlyn didn't know how to take out the stitches that held his eyes together, but she did her best.  She probably hurt him a little more than necessary.  His eyes were bloody and gross, but she cleaned them up as best she could.

Once she was done, she took him back to the shop, where John was waiting to hear about the game.

"Congratulations, detective.  You've been reborn, you've restarted.  You now have the chance to cherish your life as you should have done before.  Right now you could take the time to bring Ashlyn and I into the police station, but I don't think you want to do that," John said, carefully eying the detectives eyes.

"Why shouldn't I take you in?"  Detective Jenkins asked eagerly.

"I know you, detective.  We know you.  If you bring us in, the game wouldn't have worked.  You see, I know what you did to all those people.  You used your job to blackmail and torment people for your own sick game.  Bring me down," he laughed, "and you're going down with me."

The detective looked quite stunned, he didn't think anyone knew.  He never told anyone.  He couldn't take them in.  If he even thought about it, his life, his career, it'd all be over.

"We'll be seeing you around, detective,"  John smiled.

Detective Jenkins headed down the hallway to the wooden doors that awaited his capture.  He went home.

"The next game's being played downstairs.  I don't think it's started yet, you need to watch this one closely, Ashlyn.  This one's all on the detective,"  John said, walking into a dark room, where he'd be sleeping.

Ashlyn went over to the full desk of monitors.  They were all different rooms.  The game hadn't started yet, everyone was still on the ground.  They all looked to be varying ages.

Ashlyn seemed confused.  This game was all on the detective, John said.  She wondered how it was all on him, he just played his game.  She'd find out soon enough.

"Help, help me!"  Kacee yelled.

She looked around and saw everyone else groggy and starting to wake up.

"Who the hell are you?"  Jack asked, rubbing his eyes and looking around.

"Kacee, thanks for asking,"  she said, sitting up.

That's when everyone else started getting up and asking questions.

"Where are we?"

"Is somebody there?"

"Who did this?"

It was non-stop noise.  Finally someone chirped in.

"It's a game,"  Lacey said, legs tucked in to her chin.

Lacey was a cute girl.  At fourteen years old she'd been through a lot that no one knew about.  There was another not so good thing about her, but she wasn't about to tell everyone in that room.

"How do you know?"  Kacee asked, staring at her.  Lacey almost felt the daggers.

"Do none of you watch the news?  The cops are looking for this Jigsaw guy that's setting these traps.  It's supposed to help you cherish your life,"  Lacey said, slightly grinning at the end.

The others were stunned to learn about her knowledge to the Jigsaw murders.  Or, not murders, according to John.

"Let's learn names really quick, there's eight of us in here.  Starting with you,"  Kacee said, pointing at Lacey.

"I'm Lacey,"  she said, shooting daggers back at Kacee.

"I'm Kacee,"  the petit, blue eyed, blond haired girl said.

"I'm Jack,"  the older looking man said with no emotion.

"AJ,"  the teenage, African American boy said.

"I am Kailyn,"  she dragged out the "n"'s at the end of her name, they all thought it was rather annoying.

"Roger,"  the over weight man in the corner said, he looked to be around twenty years old.

"Myles,"  the other African American teenager said.

"Last but not least, I'm Maci,"  she said with a slight turn of her head which made her ginger hair look even cuter.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

hey rebecca black, apparently it's friday..

Okay, so if you haven't seen this video, make sure you watch my attached link before you read this.  Pay attention to the video and the lyrics.

Okay now, this video starts out where a calendar comes up with this girls annoying face in some cheap Windows Movie Maker effect, and she's singing her little harmonies while the calender flips through the days of the week.  Sunday: STUDY STUDY STUDY. Uhm, pretty sure normal kids do that, quit complaining.  Monday: TEST TODAY.  Ooh, exciting.  Tuesday: MORE HOMEWORK.  Awh, Rebecca.  Life's rough, eh?  Wednesday: MUSIC PRACTICE.  Congrats.  Thursday: ESSAY ONE.  WOOHHOOOO.  Friday: HOORAY, YES, FINALLY.  Too bad no one cares. 

Okay so now it's 7 am, not 6:59, not 7:01, just 7.  She wakes up with her curly hair and then she's gotta go downstairs and gotta get fresh.  So she rolls herself down the stairs and her hair is MAGICALLY straightened and she just looks great... Now she's standing downstairs and she's gotta have her bowl, gotta have cereal.  Which kind, Rice Krispies?  I don't know!  Then everyone behind her is rushing like they actually have to be somewhere and she's just standing around singing.  Her mom's probably like, "REBECCA, GET TO SCHOOL!"  Kids these days... Then she heads down to the bus stop, gotta catch her bus.  Now, I think the point of a bus stop is to get on the bus, but oh no, Rebecca Black taught me different.  Her 12 year old friends come rolling up in their Convertible, which I'm pretty sure the munchkin driving can't reach the pedals in the car, but anyways.  She stands there AT THE BUS STOP trying to figure out which seat she's going to sit in, in a car full of four people and five seats.  REBECCA, THERE'S ONLY ONE SEAT LEFT.  Then she finally gets in the car and she gets to the most annoying chorus ever sang.



Then all the kids are chillin' in the car with their seat belts off, they've all switched seats as you can see.  Now she's sitting ON THE BACK, not even IN THE CAR.  Can somebody please explain to me what her dilemma was with picking a seat in the car before, NOW SHE'S NOT EVEN SITTING IN THE SEAT.  Obviously this video is not teaching kids safe driving.  Her friends that are sitting in the back with her both look like they want to throw themselves into moving traffic, to be honest.  They're all dancing awkwardly and flipping their hair beside her with their annoying facial expressions.  Then she says, "My friend is on my right, eh,"  like, ouch.  That's kind of a stab to the girl on the left, don'tcha think?   Then she says, "I got this, you got this,"  uhm, no Rebecca, I don't got this. 

Then she gets to the chorus and it's at this party she was waiting for all week!  So her and all her little 12 year old friends roll up in their sport cars to this great party they're having on FRIDAYY FRIDAAAYY!  Okay, I'm the same age as her and I'm pretty sure the only party she's invited to is one where they'll be watching Disney movies and being supervised by parents. 

So she arrives and pretends everyone there is her friend but they're all there going, "Who is that and why is she saying Friday so much?"  She looks SO uncomfortable the entire time she's singing.  By the way, the people who picked the make up for this video, YOU SUCK.  Her eyes looked like a smurf threw up on them.  Then everyone at the party joins in with her singing saying, "YEA!"  How nice. 

Then she gets to the most educational part of the song:

Yesterday was Thursday.  Today is Friday.  We we we so excited.  We so excited.  We gonna have a ball today.  Tomorrow is Saturday and Sunday comes afterwards.  I don't want this weekend to end.

Really, do you think we're all that stupid that we don't know the days of the week?  Clearly her school needs to work on her grammer a little bit if she keeps saying "We so excited,"  and she sounds like she's got a bit of a stuttering problem.

Then this creepy rapper that NO ONE has ever heard of just pops up driving in his car with his awesome watch on talking about which seat to sit in.  NO!  You do not talk about things like this with 12 year old little girls.  No, just no.  Then he talks about how he sees the school bus.  Buddy, you need some friends if all you do is follow around school buses... or some help. 

Then she's on a stage singing about how it's FRIED EGGS FRIED EGGS and then she stops... and everyone claps.

Okay, I know Rebecca Black is only like 13, but really, this song is the most annoying thing I've EVER heard.  I'm not trying to be mean, really, but there's only so much you can take.